
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This Is My Yesterday

One of the advantages of working from home is that I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn, but at the same time I don't sleep in either. It was around 7:30 when TheWife wakes me. I get myself ready and we're out the door just after eight. 

I forgot to mention in my last post about the nails that I found in  the two rear tires after I moved them to the front. They probably went undetected due to the lack of weight put on the tires because the van is empty at the moment. After I put them on the front I then noticed right away how deflated they were, now due to the weight of the engine. Since that time I have had to spend money to inflate the tires and I was about to make sure this morning was my last time doing that.

I drop TheWife off at work about nine and head to WalMart. In my haste to get food shopping out of the way, I forgot to stop at a parts store to get a tire repair kit, then as I parted the threshold of WalMart remembered I can pick one up there. 

I've used one of these before, years ago and was really pleased with the outcome. I like the handle on this set because the first one I had was like a screwdriver handle. 

I didn't get pictures during the process because if you don't want to lose all of the air from the tire...if it isn't need to move fast. But I did get pics after the test drive.

What air I did lose , was replaced using this portable air compressor.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the other motivating factor in doing this myself...I stopped at a gas station to see how much to plug one tire...$25.00.

Moving on, while in the automotive section I spot spark plugs and put those in the cart too...knowing I should get everything for the tune up at one time. 

I think this van had been sitting for awhile because of the corrosion on the plugs....I don't think you get that when a vehicle is driven regularly. 

Darcel and The3Grands were still here while I was replacing the plugs....the kids sat in the van while I worked. They left just before I was finished with that and that is when I repaired the tires. 

After the test drive, I hit the shower, finished drying and folding the clothes, and did the dishes.  By the time I sit to do this post, it was 10:00....checking email, facebook and what not. I finally give in with an unfinished post just after 11....what did it cost me to purchase the parts?....about $25.00. 

I almost forgot about whipping up pancakes for Kiah and dogs for Ava...more pancakes for Kiah....playtime outside...this not long after getting home from shopping. Picking up TheWife from work, before working on the van.....I did mention the laundry...didn't I?

That was my yesterday....WhatrUWorkinOn?



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