
Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Remember When

There once was a time when I was firm in what I believe in....I still do but it seems as if the conviction has been missing.

Yesterday I was sent to a man, or a man sent to me. He is a young man under 30 years of age and going places. He was a Art teacher in I believe he said High School. I told him he looked like he was supposed to be sitting in class taking lessons himself instead of teaching them. 

The path he had chosen for himself, concerning artwork did not change, but took a different turn. He was fortunate enough to have someone suggest to him that he should pursue tattooing after they saw his work. I think that started while he was teaching. 

As I listened to him, I was feeling a spark...a renewing...refreshed. It was this young man who ignited the flame that I thought was burning. Listening to his story was invigorating and hopeful. I hadn't realized how much I had receded from my original goals. Sure I have had some life changing experiences and I have struggled but before I met this young man, I thought I had been bitten by a revived spirit. Just goes to show how deep some wounds can be as they truly will take time to heal.

My faith in God has never wavered and I have been prayerful. I'm thankful for this answered prayer, coming from a stranger, a young man blessed himself with an opportunity which has blossomed....a story to tell. 

His name is Marshall Sinclair and here is his website He said they never duplicate a tattoo. He showed me a picture of one he had done the night was fantastic!....he really is a good artist. I wish him much success.

One thing for never know when, where, what, or who, God will send in answer to just never know....

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